AgBioData workshop at PAG 32 - Jan 10, 2025 (San Diego, CA)

We will be at PAG 32! Join us for our workshop on Friday, Jan. 10 (see details below) and at our booth (#210). Please come to hear about our work and recent progress and meet our genomic, genetic, and breeding (GGB) resources.


Workshop description:

Title: "The AgBioData Consortium: Challenges and Recommendations for FAIR Genetic, Genomic and Breeding Data"

Location: Town and Country C
Date: Friday, Jan 10, 4:00-6:10 PM
Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes


AgBioData ( is a consortium of agricultural biological databases with the mission of consolidating standards and best practices for acquiring, displaying, and reusing genomic, genetic, and breeding (GGB) data. Our National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network grant aims to address major issues around agricultural GGB data and databases by developing community-based recommendations and educational materials; and informing policy and decision-makers about the growing importance of scientific data curation and management to the research community. Here, we present outcomes from six of our working groups: FAIR scientific literature; standards for genetic variation; education; sustainability of GGB databases; phenotypic data standardization and management; and single-cell RNA-Seq biocuration. These working groups will report on new tools, methods and resources developed by their working groups to help make genomic, genetic and breeding data FAIR. We invite the larger community at PAG - database providers; publishers; and database users - to learn about AgBioData’s accomplishments and provide feedback; learn about all of our efforts to promote and facilitate FAIR data in agricultural research; and join our discussion about data standardization and


Workshop agenda:

4:00 PM PT "Introduction to AGBioData", Monica Poelchau | SLIDES |
4:10 PM PT "Promoting the use of variant identifiers for genetic markers in agricultural research", Timothee Cezard | SLIDES |
4:30 PM PT "Progress of the phenotyping data standardization and management working group", Jinhua Jung | SLIDES |
4:50 PM PT "A teaching and training framework as essential sources for FAIR data, scientific knowledge, and new knowledge generation in agriculture", Meg Staton | SLIDES |
5:10 PM PT "Progress and Insights: Sustainability Strategies for Agbiodata Databases", Shabari Subramaniam | SLIDES |
5:30 PM PT "Database Finder Tool: enabling FAIR data practices for genomic and breeding research", Leonore Reiser | SLIDES |
5:50 PM PT "Empowering G2P in agriculture: building a collaborative environment for single-cell applications", Christopher K.Tuggle | SLIDES |